Welcome to Susan sanders 3D

All of the work shown on this site has been created in CAD and then 3D printed in nylon plastic. Everything starts off white until I hand paint them. I use tiny brushes and build many layers of color for effects that cannot be achieved with just a quick spray. Because I have way too many pieces to list here, samples are shown, with other colors, styles, and sizes available. Additionally, colors may be painted to order and everything is also available in black. Because I am still working on the site, the shopping cart and some of the other features are not yet operational.

For purchases or inquiries, please email me at sanders-design@comcast. net. I am happy to send additional photos and discuss other color options. Please allow three to four weeks for special orders.

*A note on brooches - they have magnetic backs rather than pins. Earring wires are hypoallergenic niobium.